Sausage + Asparagus Frittata


Happy Spring! Yesterday I was giddy as I made my first shorts and sandals purchase of the season. I couldn’t contain my excitement as I tried on dress after dress at Old Navy. There is a possibility I skipped through the store. Okay, I didn’t, but I was dreaming of it! As I mentioned in my last post I am suffering from extreme cabin fever. This condition, if not treated promptly, can lead to a severely unstable state of mind. (I don’t think I’m there yet, but…). For my sake I am happy to report that Sunday marks the start of spring-like weather. I can’t quite call it “spring” yet, but 50 degrees is good enough to get me outside and over this cabin fever thing.

On top of looking forward to getting outside I am ready to enjoying spring fruits and vegetables. This week we were bombarded with an overwhelming amount of Asparagus. I love asparagus, but you can only eat so much of it roasted. To add a little variation to our asparagus consumption my Mom and I worked together to concoct this Sausage + Asparagus Frittata.

If you’ve never made frittata before don’t fret. Although it sounds kind of fancy it is not difficult to make. It is a very filling one-pot meal. Frittata is served on it’s own or with pancakes, waffles, or blueberry buttermilk coffee cake (recipe coming soon). Frittata has become my go-to dinner because it requires few ingredients and can be altered to fit whatever items I have on hand. One of my favorite variations includes bacon and tomatoes. Let’s welcome spring in with this simple and fresh dish!

You deserve to gawk at all of this beautiful asparagus as much as I do.


I’ve added some pictures in this post to aid in the step-by-step directions. Some pictures are going horizontal and others vertical. Sorry, I’m new at this. Let’s see how this goes.

Start by roasting the asparagus. Make sure it is still crispy when you remove it from the oven. We don’t need soggy-lifeless asparagus being added to our frittata.


While your asparagus is roasting, brown your sausage in a large skillet.


Potato time. I used two red potatoes and one white potato. Feel free to use whatever kind you like.


Using a cheese grater, slice the potatoes very thin. The side of the grater that I used made them more like american fries. If you want a more hashbrown-like frittata bottom use the finer cheese grater. I’ve done both. (Thanks for the hand Jackson).


Add the sliced potatoes to the sausage mixture and cook over medium-low heat until the potatoes are tender.


While the sausage and potatoes cook, take your asparagus out of the oven and chop.


Crack 8 eggs into a medium sized bowl. I promise to work on improving my photography skills. Bear with me.


Add milk to the eggs and whisk together.

Yes, that is a cantaloupe in the background. Another spring food I am ecstatic to be eating.


After the sausage-potato mixture is done top it with the asparagus and cheese . I used a combination of sharp cheddar and mild cheddar but use whatever you like. Pepper jack cheese is really tasty too.


Pour the egg mixture on top of the cheese and put it in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Or until the egg mixture is no longer runny.

Then, surf the internet while baking happens. (p.s. check out She’s always doing great things.)


At last, pull your finished masterpiece out of the oven. Allow to cool for 15 minutes before serving


Finally, serve and watch your family devour it. Trust me, it will happen.


Sausage + Asparagus Frittata 


  • 3/4lb of asparagus
  • 1 lb pork sausage
  • 3 medium potatoes
  • 8 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • salt and pepper to taste


Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place the asparagus on a large baking sheet and drizzle with the olive oil. Lightly salt. Roast for 5-7 minutes or until just tender. Remove from the oven, cool slightly, and then chop into 1″ spears. Set aside.

In a large oven proof skillet brown the sausage. Slice the potatoes thinly using a cheese grater and add to the sausage once it has finished browning. Cook uncovered over medium-low heat until the potatoes are tender. Turn off burner. Add cheese and asparagus.

In a large bowl whisk together the milk and eggs. Pour the egg mixture on top of the cheese and asparagus.

Place in the oven uncovered for 20-25 minutes. Remove from the oven and let stand for 15 minutes before serving. Salt and pepper to taste


Let’s go back to talking spring fashion. Have you done any spring/summer shopping?
